
AEO (Authorised Economic Operator)

Our organisation has been AEOC certified since 2012.

The new Union Customs Code (Reg. 952/13), which entered into force on 1 May 2016, awards a central role to operators in possession of AEO status.

The authorisation, which is issued by the Customs Agency, provides beneficiaries with access to concessions and simplified procedures in terms of customs operations, together with a reduced level of security and safety checks.

Art. 38 of afore-mentioned Regulation 952/13 defines two different authorisation types:

  • AEOC (customs simplifications)
  • AEOS (security and safety)

Whether your company is an importer or exporter it’s well worth evaluating the economic benefits deriving from this status, which our organisation can help you obtain thanks to our experience and professional expertise.